Tuberculosis prevention & control
on this page: About TB | TB skin tests | Questions
What is Tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis - also called TB - is a bacterial disease that usually attacks the lungs, but can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain. A person with TB can die if they do not get treatment. TB spreads from person to person in the air. There are two types of TB conditions: active TB disease and latent TB infection.
- People with active TB disease are sick from TB germs that are active, meaning that they are multiplying and destroying tissue in their body. They usually have symptoms of TB disease. People with active TB can spread germs to others. They are prescribed medications to treat TB disease.
- People with latent TB infection have TB germs in their bodies, but they are not sick because the germs are not active. These people do not have symptoms of TB disease, and they cannot spread the germs to others. However, they may develop TB disease in the future. They are often prescribed medication to prevent TB from becoming active.
TB fact sheet: English | Spanish
TB skin test
Who should get a TB test? Certain people should be tested for TB infection because they are at higher risk for being infected with TB bacteria. Find out if you should get a TB test. TB tests are generally not needed for people with a low risk of infection with TB bacteria.
There are two types of tests for TB infection: the TB skin test and the TB blood test. A healthcare provider should choose which TB test to use. Usually, people do not need both types of tests. Get more information on testing.
TB skin testing in Lorain County
Schedule a TB skin test appointment at Lorain County Public Health in Elyria, by calling 440-284-3206.
- TB skin tests are administered on Mondays, 8:30 to 11 a.m. Results must be read 48 to 72 hours later in order for results to be valid.
- TB results are read on Wednesdays, 8:30 to 11 a.m. During this appointment, paperwork will be completed and results given.
- No one is denied services due to the inability to pay. Most health insurances are accepted, including Medicaid and Medicare.
Other testing locations include:
- CVS Minute Clinic, Lorain
- MedCare, Sheffield Village
- Mercy Health Occupational Health Services, Amherst
- UH Urgent Care, Avon
Questions about TB prevention or risk?
Call 440-322-6367, and ask for the Epidemiology team at Lorain County Public Health.