Commercial Sewage Treatment

Lorain County Public Health (LCPH) inspects, monitors, and conducts enforcement (if needed) for approximately 700+ commercial sewage treatment systems in Lorain County.  LCPH’s water quality programs help protect local streams, rivers, and other watersheds of Lake Erie. LCPH also helps educate business owners on how to care for their commercial sewage treatment system and connects them with resources when needed.

Commercial Sewage Definition

A disposal system that treats the sanitary sewage discharged from publicly or privately owned buildings or places of assemblage, entertainment, recreation, education, correction, hospitalization, housing, or employment, but does not include a disposal system that treats sewage in amounts of more than twenty-five thousand gallons per day; a disposal system for the treatment of sewage that is exempt from the requirements of section ORC 6111.04 pursuant to division (F)(7) of that section; or a disposal system for the treatment of industrial waste.

Contact Lorain County Public Health at 440-322-6367 with questions about commercial sewage treatment systems. 

Go to the sewage database to view information about your system.

View the fee schedule.

Report a concern with a commercial sewage system.

Fact sheets for Commercial Sewage Systems

Forms and Applications

Design Information

Operator Information