Community Health Assessment (CHA) and
Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)
Read the CHA | Read the CHIP
Lorain County conducts a CHA every three years. The CHA gathers primary and secondary data to better understand the overall health of the county. Data sources include:
- The ODH Data Warehouse adult health outcome data.
- Stakeholder interviews conducted by Burges and Burges Strategists.
- Focus groups conducted by LCPH.
- Ohio Healthy Youth Environments Survey (OHYES!) , conducted by the Ohio Department of Health.
Lorain County released the newest CHA on September 23, 2022.
The Lorain County CHIP was released January 2023. LCPH and partners use the CHA to identify health priorities and create the CHIP. This 3-year plan organizes partners to work together to address the most pressing health issues. Current Lorain County CHIP priorities are:
- Chronic disease
- Maternal and child health
- Mental health
- Substance use
- Cancer
Past Community Health Assessments
Past Community Health Improvement Plans