Plan of Safe Care

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What is a Plan of Safe Care (POSC)? A POSC is an individualized plan to help families keep their children safely at home. It involves creating a list of helpful resources for a pregnant person, both during pregnancy and after giving birth. 

Who can help me create a POSC? Your plan will be created with input from a team of service providers. Examples may include doctors, nurses, counselors and community health workers. You and the team will explore creative solutions for your needs - medical, mental health, social services, and substance treatment. With your team's input, you'll create a plan that's complete with services and resources that support your health and your family's.

How can a POSC help my family? Having a POSC in place may prevent unnecessary local child protective service agency involvement when any of the following concerns are present:

  • Mother or infant tests positive for an illegal substance and/or misused prescribed controlled substance.
  • Infant is showing signs of withdrawal as a result of prenatal exposure to an illegal substance, non-prescribed substance, and/or misused prescribed controlled substance.
  • Infant is diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
    When those concerns are present, the law requires "mandated reporters" to contact child protective service agencies. This is because substance use can affect the health and safety of an infant. Mandated reporters can include treatment providers, social workers, doctors and nurses.

Let's create your plan together. We'll discuss: 

  • Basic needs - safe housing, food, utilities, transportation, medical care and coverage, mental health and substance use treatment.
  • Family needs - pediatric care, diapers, cribs, car seat, breastfeeding support, formula, childcare plan and more.
  • Delivery plan - delivery location, transportation to and from the hospital.
  • Support after delivery - home visiting, peer support and community health workers.

More info: Call us at 440-322-6367 or visit